This is a steep, rugged and difficult 50K route, with some unrunnable sections, especially near the beginning. If you haven’t run it before, expect slower times than your usual. Most of the climbing and the most rugged footing occurs in the first 10 miles. Pace yourself.
Fastest Known Time:
The FKT on this route is 7:40:15
General Range:
2021: 12 runners completed the route, with times ranging from 7:40 to around 16 hours. Most people completed the run in around 10-12 hours.
2022: 15 runners completed the route, with times ranging from around 9:00 to around 13:30. Most people who did it twice did it faster the second time around — knowing the route (or running with someone who does!) helps with both navigation and pacing.
Reaching Tutka Lagoon:
Skirting Tutka Lagoon, near the end of the route, is the only time dependent obstacle on the trail.
On July 15, 2023, the tide at Tutka Lagoon will be good between 4:30PM and 11:30PM. In 2021, most runners reached Tutka Lagoon around 1 to 1.5 hours before they finished the run. In 2021, the fastest runner reached the lagoon too early and had to wade up to his chest. In 2022, the folks power-hike/shuffling at the tail end (13.5 hour total time), barely squeaked by as the tide was rising around them. July 15 2023 should give a pretty good window for most people, as long as super fast runners start late morning or later.